viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Pina Bausch

I do not really admire anyone, but I like the work of the famous choreographer Pina Bausch. She was a forerunner of theater dance (tanztheater in German). His choreography became famous all over the world and was very important for the contemporany dance. Sometimes Some of this works are "La Consagracion de la Primavera", "Cafe Muller", "Kontakthof" and others. His works talk about the relations between men and women and their weaknesses, talk about social contingencies, talk about passionate relationships, sensuality, pain, and other topics. In his works she sets the scene sarcastic and uses different branches of art to represent what she means in her works. I like Pina because she works with the biography of people and with the feelings of the people and that reminds me because I like to dance. She always said:"I'm not interested like slang the people, I'm interested in what move them" She died in 2009 as a result of a lung cancer, but his works are still world famous and are even presented by her company left in Wuppertal (German) and today she is recognized by the whole world of dance and other areas of art.

viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

Los Fabulosos Cadillacs

I do not choose any band in special because in general I listen very much music of all styles but I dont know the name of all the bands but y like the music of the Fabulosos Cadillacs but I do not consider myself fans of this band.
This band is former in the year 1983 but their first disk was published in 1986. 
The band was very successful, they managed to create good songs that became very popular like "yo quiero morirme acá", "Silencio hospital", "Basta de llamarme así". The most important members were Vicentico (singer) and Flavio (bass guitar). The band also had good songs like "vasos vacios" and "matador" and classics like "Carnaval toda la vida", "Gitana", "Siguiendo la luna", "El crucero del amor", "Arde buenos aires" and "El aguijón" The musical style containes mostly Ska, something  of Rock, but also some ballads combined with caribbean music. In the year 2002 the band disolved although never was confirmed with them.
Years later, the band reunited and the year 2015 celebrated its 30 years of trajectory.
This band has songs very nice and entertaining, I like the letters of songs and I cant choose one but all the ones I named above are my favorites and also "vasos vacios" beacuase I remind me of my boyfriend.

viernes, 2 de junio de 2017

Lots of love

This photography was to for my dad in the year 2012 and I want speak this photography beacause is very important for me, in there are two very important people in my life, This are my brother Fabián and my daughter Colombita. 
That day we went to stroll around Valparaiso with my family and we made a stop at a lookout for contemplate the ocean and take very much photographys. I remember that the view was beautiful and was important take advantage the landscape. I remember that after we eat "churros con manjar".
This day was very entertaining and we can share good moments.
Now I can remember this day whit love and a nostalgia beacause I liked revive all the moments whit my family for make the most every day whit them beacuse in this moment that things are differents.
This photography reflect love inconditional unconditional for my daugther.  Always we remember her beautiful eyes, her cuddle and the tenderness that she represented. 
She is not physically in this worl but she will always live in our hearts and always we are connected.