viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Pina Bausch

I do not really admire anyone, but I like the work of the famous choreographer Pina Bausch. She was a forerunner of theater dance (tanztheater in German). His choreography became famous all over the world and was very important for the contemporany dance. Sometimes Some of this works are "La Consagracion de la Primavera", "Cafe Muller", "Kontakthof" and others. His works talk about the relations between men and women and their weaknesses, talk about social contingencies, talk about passionate relationships, sensuality, pain, and other topics. In his works she sets the scene sarcastic and uses different branches of art to represent what she means in her works. I like Pina because she works with the biography of people and with the feelings of the people and that reminds me because I like to dance. She always said:"I'm not interested like slang the people, I'm interested in what move them" She died in 2009 as a result of a lung cancer, but his works are still world famous and are even presented by her company left in Wuppertal (German) and today she is recognized by the whole world of dance and other areas of art.

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